Our Features
Engage in commenting, discussing, learning, debating, supporting, and connecting with like-minded individuals who share your interests on our platform. Our primary goal is to deliver accurate news updates directly to you. Choose to follow only the individuals you wish to stay connected with.

Chat Messaging
The perfect way to communicate with your friends and family.

Unlimited Posts
You are not limited to the number of posts or their size.

Follow Personalities
Follow the people you like, when you like. Why not become a personality yourself?

Australian Owned
See Our News is an Australian owned social media and news platform.

Organisations & Groups
Great way to let your members know about past and future events.

Search in your Region
Find and follow only those organisations you're interested in.

About us
Our organisation is motivated to create a social media platform that is unbiased, secure, and user-friendly, catering to everyone’s needs.
We have taken into account the apprehensions of governments, individuals, and organisations, and being Australian owned, we have complete control over our security measures.
Our objective is to provide a simple yet secure platform that is accessible to all. We are committed to eliminating any inappropriate behavior, safeguarding against data breaches, preventing unsuitable advertising, and empowering users to block unwanted accounts if necessary.
Who is a
Any individual who wishes to utilise our application can be considered a “personality”. With our app, personalities have the ability to follow other individuals or organisations, create posts, comment on posts, and like other personalities’ content. Additionally, personalities can browse the app to discover local or global organisations.

What is an
An organisation can refer to any assembly of individuals united by a common interest, such as a golf club, a local fire department, or any business entity that wishes to communicate their latest updates to individuals who are interested in their organisation. With our platform, anyone can establish a group / organisation centered around a shared objective or theme.
One great example of how See Our News can be used by organisations is during the bushfire season. Residents of bushfire prone areas can download the See Our News app, and follow their local RFS group. They will then receive timely and accurate information from the fire department.